1 In Engagements, a tick emerges as a symbol of upright morality  2 Kimberly: I heard it was terrible. Lucy: I laughed the entire time. 3 The Good Time Girls is a blood-soaked western that follows a group of brothel workers-turned female vigilantes.  4 ‘If you don't want to hear about leaked classified information, you can leave now,’ he told the crowd. 5 Almost every character in Mr. Robot is flailing underwater right now. 6 A world where the other person’s feelings were as rationally crackable as a security code, where there really was a right way to regain the upper hand. 7 The play’s icy-hot center of gravity is Lauren, a woman in her late 20’s who describes herself as ‘always single, sort of.’ 8 A very bright but slightly confused millennial. 9 We can never quite tell if Teitler's art resembles life, or if we strive to make our lives resemble art. 10 Lauren could become as essential to know as Blanche has been. 11  I thought then I would say someday I thought then it would last forever. 12 All of them witches! 13 Since I am not Batman, I don’t have a burner laptop.14 ‘I’m worried about you getting hurt,’ one reader wrote to the underage cartoon character.  15 Quarterlife is the first Internet series to make the leap to television. 16 Somewhere on the internet, there are hackers protecting us from other hackers.  17  Sometimes, we see something so artfully done that we feel it simply must be effortless. 18 A skyscraper with no windows on 33 Thomas Street 19 It’s a dark but hilarious look at just how quickly relationships can unravel. 20 ‘She was a cautionary tale. And yet, she was fabulous. Which itself is about as queer as you can get.’